Univ.-Prof. Dr. Carsten W. Scherer
- Previous Chairholders
Numerics and Geometric Modelling - Prof. Dr. Klaus Höllig (i.R.)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Carsten W. Scherer
Administration: Dipl.-Übers. Elisabeth Schaettgen
Research Assistants
Chair of Optimization and Inverse Problems
Prof. Dr. Bernadette Hahn-Rigaud
Carola Stahl
University of Stuttgart
Department of Mathematics - IMNG
Chair of Optimization and Inverse Problems
Pfaffenwaldring 57
70569 Stuttgart
Carsten W. Scherer
Professor Dr.Head of Institute and Chairholder mst / Erasmus-Coordinator Dep. of Mathematics
- Profile page
- +49 711 685 60025
- Write e-mail
- Carsten W. Scherer
[Image: Uni Stuttgart]
Elisabeth Schaettgen
Administration/Adm. Contact for Erasmus incoming and outgoing students
- Profile page
- +49 711 685 60024
- Write e-mail
- Elisabeth Schaettgen