Logo of the Chair of Mathematical Systems Theory

Mathematical Systems Theory

SimTech Chair for Mathematical Systems Theory

The mathematics of robust optimal control of complex dynamical systems

What is mathematical systems theory? We live in a high-tech world which confronts us with dynamical processes such as emerging in the generation of renewable energies, the adaptive dosing of drugs or the optimal design of complex traffic systems. It is impossible to analyze and manage such complex systems without mathematics. The discipline of mathematical systems theory serves to develop the methodological and algorithmic foundations for controlling dynamical systems, in the sense of stabilizing such systems and optimize their dynamical evolution with system theoretic guarantees.

This image shows Carsten W.  Scherer

Carsten W. Scherer

Professor Dr.

Head of Institute and Chairholder mst / Erasmus-Coordinator Dep. of Mathematics

[Image: Uni Stuttgart]

This image shows Elisabeth Schaettgen

Elisabeth Schaettgen


Administration/Adm. Contact for Erasmus incoming and outgoing students


How to find us

Pfaffenwaldring 5a, 70569 Stuttgart

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