

List of publications

Control of Linear Parameter Varying Systems with Applications  
Javad Mohammadpour and Carsten W. Scherer (Eds.), 2012

Model Based Control: Bridging Rigorous Theory and Advanced Technology
Paul M.J. van den Hof, Carsten W. Scherer and Peter S.C. Heuberger (Eds.), 2009   

Linear Matrix Inequalities in Control
Carsten W. Scherer and Siep Weiland, Version 2015

Theory of Robust Control
Carsten W. Scherer

  • Plenary Speaker, SICE International Symposium on Control Systems 2018, Tokyo City University, Tokyo, Japan
  • Plenary Speaker, Elgersburg Workshop, 2018
  • Plenary Speaker, IWOTA Conference, University of Washington in St. Louis,  2016
  • Plenary Speaker, 1st IFAC Workshop on Linear Parameter Varying systems LPVS 2015, Grenoble, 2015
  • Plenary Speaker, 8th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design Rocond 2015, Bratislava, 2015
  • Plenary Speaker, 11th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Berlin, 2014
  • Plenary Speaker Workshop "Function theory in several complex variables", Edinburgh, 2014
  • Magdeburg Lectures on Optimization und Control, Magdeburg, 2014
  • Plenary Tutorial Lecture, ESA/CNES Workshop on LPV Systems, Noordwijk, 2014
  • Plenary Speaker, SENE2013, IEEE distinguished lecture, Lodz, 2013
  • Plenary Tutorial Lecture, ESA Workshop "Worst Case Analysis Tools", Noordwijk, 2012
  • Plenary Tutorial Lecture, American Control Conference, Montreal, 2012
  • Plenary Speaker, Elgersburg Workshop Mathematical Systems Theory, 2011
  • Plenary Speaker, Workshop on Uncertain Dynamical Systems, Udine, 2011
  • Plenary Speaker, IFAC World Congress, Milano, 2011
  • Simon Stevin Lecture, KU Leuven, 2011
  • 13th Czech-French-German Conference on Optimization CFG, Heidelberg, Germany, 2007
  • 8th International Symposium on Quantitative Feedback Theory and Robust Frequency Domain Methods 2007, Weizman Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
  • XII Latin-American Congress on Automatic Control CLCA, Salvador, Brazil, 2006
  • XVI Brazilian Automation Conference CBA 2006, Salvador, Brazil
  • 17th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MNTNS, Kyoto, Japan, 2006
  • 13th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimisation CAO, Paris, France, 2006
  • System and Control Theory Workshop, Gebze Technology Institute, Turkey, 2005
  • International conference on continuous optimization ICCOPT, Troy, USA (semi-plenary), 2004
  • LMI Workshop, Toulouse, France, 2004
  • 4th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design ROCOND, Milano, Italy, 2003
  • 3rd European Control Conference ECC, Rome, Italy (semi-plenary), 1995


For further information see also Prof. Carsten Scherer's Google Scholar page

  1. 2024

    1. A. Kharitenko and C. W. Scherer, On the exactness of a stability test for Lur’e systems with slope-restricted nonlinearities, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2024.
    2. H. Häring, D. Gramlich, C. Ebenbauer, and C. W. Scherer, Trajectory Generation for the Unicycle Model Using Semidefinite Relaxations, in accepted for publication, 2024.
    3. T. J. Meijer, T. Holicki, S. J. A. M. van den Eijnden, C. W. Scherer, and W. P. M. H. Heemels, The Non-Strict Projection Lemma, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, pp. 1–8, 2024.
  2. 2023

    1. T. Holicki and C. W. Scherer, IQC Based Analysis and Estimator Design for Discrete-Time Systems Affected by Impulsive Uncertainties. 2023.
    2. M. M. Morato, T. Holicki, and C. W. Scherer, Stabilizing Model Predictive Control Synthesis using Integral Quadratic Constraints and Full-Block Multipliers, International journal of robust and nonlinear control, vol. 33, no. 18, pp. 11434–11457, 2023.
    3. D. Gramlich, C. W. Scherer, H. Häring, and C. Ebenbauer, Synthesis of constrained robust feedback policies and model predictive control, 2023.
    4. C. A. Rösinger and C. W. Scherer, Gain-Scheduling Controller Synthesis for Nested Systems With Full Block Scalings, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, pp. 1–16, 2023.
    5. C. W. Scherer, C. Ebenbauer, and T. Holicki, Optimization Algorithm Synthesis based on Integral Quadratic Constraints: A Tutorial. 2023.
    6. D. Gramlich, T. Holicki, C. W. Scherer, and C. Ebenbauer, A Structure Exploiting SDP Solver for Robust Controller Synthesis, IEEE Control Syst. Lett., vol. 7, pp. 1831–1836, 2023.
    7. A. Kharitenko and C. Scherer, Time-varying Zames–Falb multipliers for LTI Systems are superfluous, Automatica, vol. 147, 2023.
    8. L. Hewing et al., Enhancing the Guidance, Navigation and Control of Autonomous Parafoils using Machine Learning Methods, in Papers of ESA GNC-ICATT 2023, 2023.
    9. T. Holicki, J. Nicodemus, P. Schwerdtner, and B. Unger, Energy matching in reduced passive and port-Hamiltonian systems. 2023.
    10. T. Holicki and C. W. Scherer, Input-Output-Data-Enhanced Robust Analysis via Lifting. 2023.
    11. T. J. Meijer, T. Holicki, S. J. A. M. van den Eijnden, C. W. Scherer, and W. P. M. H. Heemels, The Non-Strict Projection Lemma. 2023.
    12. D. Gramlich, P. Pauli, C. W. Scherer, F. Allgöwer, and C. Ebenbauer, Convolutional Neural Networks as 2-D systems, Mar. 2023.
    13. J. Berberich, C. W. Scherer, and F. Allgower, Combining Prior Knowledge and Data for Robust Controller Design, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 4618–4633, 2023.
    14. C. W. Scherer, Robust Exponential Stability and Invariance Guarantees with General Dynamic O’Shea-Zames-Falb Multipliers, Jun. 2023.
    15. T. Holicki and C. W. Scherer, Data-Based Refinement of Parametric Uncertainty Descriptions, submitted for publication, 2023.
    16. F. A. Taha, S. Yan, and E. Bitar, A Distributionally Robust Approach to Regret Optimal Control using the Wasserstein Distance, in 2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2023, pp. 2768–2775.
  3. 2022

    1. A. Kharitenko, Some contributions to the theory of stability multipliers, 2022.
    2. T. Holicki and C. W. Scherer, Input-Output-Data-Enhanced Robust Analysis via Lifting, Nov. 2022.
    3. C. Fiedler, C. W. Scherer, and S. Trimpe, Learning Functions and Uncertainty Sets Using Geometrically Constrained Kernel Regression, in 61st IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 2022, pp. 2141–2146.
    4. D. Gramlich, C. Ebenbauer, and C. W. Scherer, Synthesis of Accelerated Gradient Algorithms for Optimization and Saddle Point Problems using Lyapunov functions, Syst. Control Lett., vol. 165, 2022.
    5. D. Gramlich, C. W. Scherer, and C. Ebenbauer, Robust Differential Dynamic Programming, in 61st IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 2022.
    6. T. Holicki, A Complete Analysis and Design Framework for Linear Impulsive and Related Hybrid Systems, University of Stuttgart, 2022.
    7. C. A. Rösinger and C. W. Scherer, Gain-Scheduling Controller Synthesis for Networked Systems with Full Block Scalings, 2022.
    8. T. Holicki and C. W. Scherer, IQC Based Analysis and Estimator Design for Discrete-Time Systems Affected by Impulsive Uncertainties, Dec. 2022.
    9. C. Scherer, Dissipativity and Integral Quadratic Constraints, Tailored computational robustness tests for complex interconnections, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 115–139, 2022.
    10. C. W. Scherer, Dissipativity, Convexity and Tight O\textquotesingleShea-Zames-Falb Multipliers for Safety Guarantees, IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 55, no. 30, pp. 150--155, 2022.
    11. J. Berberich, C. W. Scherer, and F. Allgower, Combining Prior Knowledge and Data for Robust Controller Design, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 4618–4633, 2022.
    12. T. Holicki and C. W. Scherer, A Dynamic S-Procedure for Dynamic Uncertainties, in IFAC-PapersOnline, 2022, vol. 55, no. 25, pp. 103–108.
    13. C. A. Rösinger and C. W. Scherer, Gain-Scheduling Controller Synthesis for Networked Systems with Full Block Scalings, arXiv, 2022.
  4. 2021

    1. T. Holicki and C. W. Scherer, Optimization-based design of data-integrated controllers, Poster at the SimTech Statusseminar. 2021.
    2. C. Fiedler, C. W. Scherer, and S. Trimpe, Learning-enhanced robust controller synthesis with rigorous statistical and control-theoretic guarantees, in 60th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control (to appear), 2021.
    3. T. Holicki, C. W. Scherer, and S. Trimpe, Controller Design via Experimental Exploration with Robustness Guarantees, IEEE Control Syst. Lett., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 641–646, 2021.
    4. T. Holicki and C. W. Scherer, Revisiting and Generalizing the Dual Iteration for Static and Robust Output-Feedback Synthesis, Int. J. Robust Nonlin., pp. 1–33, 2021.
    5. T. Holicki and C. W. Scherer, Algorithm Design and Extremum Control: Convex Synthesis due to Plant Multiplier Commutation, in Proc. 60th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 2021, pp. 3249–3256.
    6. C. Scherer and C. Ebenbauer, Convex Synthesis of Accelerated Gradient Algorithms, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 4615–4645, 2021.
    7. S. Michalowsky, C. Scherer, and C. Ebenbauer, Robust and structure exploiting optimisation algorithms: An integral quadratic constraint approach, International Journal of Control, vol. 94, no. 11, pp. 2956–2979, 2021.
    8. C. Fiedler, C. W. Scherer, and S. Trimpe, Practical and Rigorous Uncertainty Bounds for Gaussian Process Regression, in Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2021, vol. 35, no. 8, pp. 7439–7447.
    9. J. Veenman, C. W. Scherer, C. Ardura, S. Bennani, V. Preda, and B. Girouart, IQClab: A new IQC based toolbox for robustness analysis and control design, in IFAC-PapersOnline, 2021, vol. 54, no. 8, pp. 69--74.
    10. T. Holicki and C. W. Scherer, Robust Gain-Scheduled Estimation with Dynamic D-Scalings, IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 2021.
  5. 2020

    1. C. A. Rösinger and C. W. Scherer, A Flexible Synthesis Framework of Structured Controllers for Networked Systems, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 6–18, 2020.
    2. C. A. Rösinger and C. W. Scherer, Lifting to Passivity for $H_2$-Gain-Scheduling Synthesis with Full Block Scalings, IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 7292–7298, 2020.
    3. J. Berberich, C. W. Scherer, and F. Allgöwer, Combining Prior Knowledge and Data for Robust Controller Design, 2020.
    4. J. Berberich, A. Koch, C. W. Scherer, and F. Allgöwer, Robust data-driven state-feedback design, in 2020 American Control Conference (ACC), 2020, pp. 1532–1538.
    5. T. Holicki and C. W. Scherer, Output-Feedback Synthesis for a Class of Aperiodic Impulsive Systems, in IFAC-PapersOnline, 2020, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 7299–7304.
    6. S. Michalowsky, C. Scherer, and C. Ebenbauer, Robust and structure exploiting optimisation algorithms: An integral quadratic constraint approach, International Journal of Control, vol. 2020, pp. 1–24, 2020.
    7. M. Barreau, C. W. Scherer, F. Gouaisbaut, and A. Seuret, Integral Quadratic Constraints on Linear Infinite-dimensional Systems for Robust Stability Analysis, in IFAC-PapersOnline, 2020, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 7752–7757.
  6. 2019

    1. C. A. Rösinger and C. W. Scherer, A Scalings Approach to $H_2$-Gain-Scheduling Synthesis without Elimination, IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 52, no. 28, pp. 50–57, 2019.
    2. G. Baggio, S. Zampieri, and C. W. Scherer, Gramian Optimization with Input-Power Constraints, in 58th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 2019, pp. 5686–5691.
    3. T. Holicki and C. W. Scherer, Distributed Control of Networked Systems by Convex Optimization, Poster at the SimTech Statusseminar. 2019.
    4. T. Holicki and C. W. Scherer, A Homotopy Approach for Robust Output-Feedback Synthesis, in Proc. 27th. Med. Conf. Control Autom., 2019, pp. 87–93.
    5. T. Holicki and C. W. Scherer, Stability analysis and output-feedback synthesis of hybrid systems affected by piecewise constant parameters via dynamic resetting scalings, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, vol. 34, pp. 179--208, 2019.
  7. 2018

    1. Y. Guo and C. W. Scherer, Robust Gain-Scheduled Controller Design with a Hierarchical Structure, in IFAC-PapersOnline, 2018, vol. 51, no. 25, pp. 228–233.
    2. T. Holicki and C. W. Scherer, Output-Feedback Gain-Scheduling Synthesis for a Class of Switched Systems via Dynamic Resetting $D$-Scalings, in 57th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 2018, pp. 6440–6445.
    3. C. W. Scherer and T. Holicki, An IQC theorem for relations: Towards stability analysis of data-integrated systems, in IFAC-PapersOnline, 2018, vol. 51, no. 25, pp. 390–395.
    4. T. Holicki and C. W. Scherer, A Swapping Lemma for Switched Systems, in IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2018, vol. 51, no. 25, pp. 346–352.
    5. C. W. Scherer and J. Veenman, Stability analysis by dynamic dissipation inequalities: On merging frequency-domain techniques with time-domain conditions, Syst. Control Lett., vol. 121, pp. 7–15, 2018.
    6. S. Haesaert, S. Weiland, and C. W. Scherer, A separation theorem for guaranteed $H_2$ performance through matrix inequalities, Automatica, vol. 96, pp. 306–313, 2018.
  8. 2017

    1. M. Fetzer and C. W. Scherer, Full-block multipliers for repeated, slope restricted scalar nonlinearities, Int. J. Robust Nonlin., 2017.
    2. M. Fetzer, C. W. Scherer, and J. Veenman, Invariance with dynamic multipliers, IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, vol. 63, no. 7, pp. 1929–1942, 2017.
    3. M. Fetzer, From classical absolute stability tests towards a comprehensive robustness analysis, Dissertation, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 2017.
    4. M. Fetzer and C. W. Scherer, Absolute stability analysis of discrete time feedback interconnections, in IFAC-PapersOnline, 2017, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 8447–8453.
    5. C. A. Rösinger and C. W. Scherer, Structured Controller Design With Applications to Networked Systems, in Proc. 56th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 2017, pp. 4771–4776.
    6. M. Fetzer and C. W. Scherer, Zames-Falb Multipliers for Invariance, IEEE Control Syst. Lett., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 412–417, 2017.
  9. 2016

    1. J. Veenman, C. W. Scherer, and H. Köroglu, Robust stability and performance analysis with integral quadratic constraints, Eur. J. Control, vol. 31, pp. 1–32, 2016.
    2. T. Holicki and C. W. Scherer, Controller Synthesis for Distributed Systems over Undirected Graphs, in 55th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 2016, pp. 5238–5244.
    3. E. J. Trottemant, C. W. Scherer, and M. Mazo, Optimality of robust disturbance-feedback strategies, Int. J. Robust Nonlin., vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 1475–1488, 2016.
    4. M. Fetzer and C. W. Scherer, Stability and Performance Analysis on Sobolev Spaces, in 55th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 2016, pp. 7264–7269.
    5. H. Nguyen Tien, C. W. Scherer, J. M. A. Scherpen, and V. Müller, Linear Parameter Varying Control of Doubly Fed Induction Machines, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 216–224, 2016.
    6. E. J. Trottemant, M. Mazo, and C. W. Scherer, Synthesis of Robust Piecewise Affine Output-Feedback Strategies, J. Guid. Control Dynam., vol. 39, no. 7, pp. 1461–1469, 2016.
    7. C. W. Scherer, Lossless $H_ınfty$-synthesis for 2D systems (special issue JCW), Syst. Control Lett., vol. 95, pp. 25–35, 2016.
    8. M. Fetzer and C. W. Scherer, A General Integral Quadratic Constraints Theorem with Applications to a Class of Sampled-Data Systems, SIAM J. Contr. Optim., vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 1105–1125, 2016.
    9. L. Allerhand, E. Gershon., and U. Shaked, Robust state-feedback control of stochastic state-multiplicative discrete-time linear switched systems with dwell time, Int. J. Robust Nonlin., vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 187–200, 2016.
    10. J. Veenman, M. Lahr, and C. W. Scherer, Robust controller synthesis with unstable weights, in 55th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 2016, pp. 2390–2395.
  10. 2015

    1. L. I. Allerhand, Stability of adaptive control in the presence of input disturbances and $H_ınfty$ performance, in IFAC-PapersOnline, 2015, vol. 48, no. 14, pp. 76–81.
    2. J. Missler, D. Schwarzmann, and L. I. Allerhand, On the Influence of Filter Choice in Output-Feedback MRAC during Adaptation Transients, in IFAC-PapersOnline, 2015, vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 505–510.
    3. E. Gershon, U. Shaked, and L. I. Allerhand, Stochastic Linear Systems: Robust $H_ınfty$ Control via Vertex-dependent Approach, in 23rd Med. Conf. Control and Automation, 2015, pp. 638–643.
    4. J. Veenman, A general framework for robust analysis and control: an integral quadratic constraint based approach, Dissertation, Logos Verlag, Berlin, 2015.
    5. C. W. Scherer, Gain-scheduling control with dynamic multipliers by convex optimization, SIAM J. Contr. Optim., vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 1224–1249, 2015.
    6. H. Köroglu, C. W. Scherer, and P. Falcone, Robust Static Output Feedback Synthesis under an Integral Quadratic Constraint on the States, in Eur. Control Conf., 2015, pp. 3203–3208.
    7. L. I. Allerhand and U. Shaked, Soft Controller Switching with Guaranteed $H_ınfty$ Performance, in IFAC-PapersOnline, 2015, vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 848–853.
    8. L. I. Allerhand, E. Gershon, and U. Shaked, State-feedback Control of Stochastic Discrete-time Linear Switched Systems with Dwell Time, in Eur. Control Conf., 2015, pp. 452–457.
  11. 2014

    1. J. Veenman and C. W. Scherer, A synthesis framework for robust gain-scheduling controllers, Automatica, vol. 50, no. 11, pp. 2799–2812, 2014.
    2. C. W. Scherer, $H_ınfty$- and $H_2$-synthesis for nested interconnections: A direct state-space approach by linear matrix inequalities, in 21st Int. Symp. Math. Theory Netw. and Systems, 2014.
    3. J. Veenman and C. W. Scherer, IQC-synthesis with general dynamic multipliers, Int. J. Robust Nonlin., vol. 24, no. 17, pp. 3027–3056, 2014.
  12. 2013

    1. C. W. Scherer, Gain-scheduled synthesis with dynamic stable strictly positive real multipliers: A complete solution, in Eur. Control Conf., 2013, pp. 3901–3906.
    2. C. W. Scherer, Gain-scheduled synthesis with dynamic generalized strictly positive real multipliers: A complete solution, in 52nd IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 2013, pp. 4116–4121.
    3. C. W. Scherer, Structured $H_ınfty$-Optimal Control for Nested Interconnections: A State-Space Solution, Syst. Control Lett., vol. 62, no. 12, pp. 1105–1113, 2013.
    4. J. Chaudenson et al., Stability analysis of pulse-modulated systems with an application to space launchers, IFAC Proc. Vol., vol. 46, no. 19, pp. 494–499, 2013.
    5. J. Veenman and C. W. Scherer, Stability analysis with integral Quadratic constraints: A dissipativity based proof, in 52nd IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 2013, pp. 3770–3775.
    6. C. W. Scherer and I. E. Köse, From transfer matrices to realizations: Convergence properties and parametrization of robustness analysis conditions, Syst. Control Lett., vol. 62, no. 8, pp. 632–642, 2013.
  13. 2012

    1. C. W. Scherer and I. E. Köse, Gain-scheduled control synthesis using dynamic $D$-scales, IEEE T. Automat. Contr., vol. 57, no. 9, pp. 2219–2234, Sep. 2012.
    2. J. Mohammadpour and C. W. Scherer, Control of Linear Parameter Varying Systems with Applications. Springer-Verlag, 2012.
    3. I. Polat and C. W. Scherer, Stability Analysis for Bilateral Teleoperation: An IQC Formulation, IEEE T. Robot., vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 1294–1308, Dec. 2012.
    4. J. Chaudenson et al., PMW Modeling for Attitude Control of a Launcher During Ballistic Phase and Comparative Stability Analysis, in 7th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Aalborg, Denmark, 2012, vol. 45, no. 13, pp. 248–253.
    5. J. Veenman, C. W. Scherer, and I. Köse, Robust Estimation with Partial Gain-Scheduling Through Convex Optimization, in Control of Linear Parameter Varying Systems with Applications, J. Mohammadpour and C. W. Scherer, Eds. Springer, 2012, pp. 253–278.
    6. H. M. N. K. Balini, C. W. Scherer, and J. Witte, Synthesis and implementation of gain-scheduling and LPV controllers for an AMB system, Automatica, vol. 48, pp. 521–527, 2012.
    7. C. W. Scherer, Gain-scheduled synthesis with dynamic positive real multipliers, in 51st IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Hawaii, USA, 2012, pp. 6641–6646.

Publications from 2000 to 2009

  1. 2009

    1. I. E. Kose and C. W. Scherer, Robust $L_2$-gain feedforward control of uncertain systems using dynamic IQCs, Int. J. Robust Nonlin., vol. 19, no. 11, pp. 1224–1247, Jul. 2009.
    2. J. Veenman, H. Köroglu, and C. W. Scherer, Analysis of the controlled NASA HL20 atmospheric re-entry vehicle based on Dynamic IQCs, in Proc. AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conf., 2009.
    3. P. Viccione, C. W. Scherer, and M. Innocenti, LPV Synthesis with Integral Quadratic Constraints for Distributed Control of Interconnected Systems, in 6th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Haifa, 2009.
    4. C. Scherer, Robust Controller Synthesis is Convex for Systems without Control Channel Uncertainties, in Model-Based Control: Bridging Rigorous Theory and Advanced Technology, P. M. J. V. den Hof, C. W. Scherer, and P. S. C. Heunberger, Eds. Springer US, 2009, pp. 13–30.
    5. I. Masubuchi and C. W. Scherer, A recursive algorithm of exactness verification of relaxations for robust SDPs, Syst. Control Lett., vol. 58, pp. 592–601, 2009.
    6. H. Köroglu and C. W. Scherer, Generalized asymptotic regulation with guaranteed $H_2$ performance: An LMI solution, Automatica, vol. 45, pp. 823–829, 2009.
    7. J. Veenman, H. Köroglu, and C. W. Scherer, IQC-Based LPV Controller Synthesis for the NASA HL20 Atmospheric Re-entry Vehicle, in Proc. AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conf., 2009.
    8. P. M. J. V. den Hof, C. W. Scherer, and P. S. C. Heunberger, Model-Based Control: Bridging Rigorous Theory and Advanced Technology. Springer-Verlag, 2009.
  2. 2008

    1. H. Köroglu and C. W. Scherer, An LMI approach to $H_ınfty$ synthesis subject to almost asymptotic regulation constraints, Syst. Control Lett., vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 300–308, 2008.
    2. I. E. Köse and C. W. Scherer, Reduced complexity existence conditions for robust $L_2$-gain feedforward controllers for uncertain systems using dynamic IQCs, in 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, South Korea, 2008.
    3. H. Nguyen Tien, C. W. Scherer, and J. M. A. Scherpen, IQC-based robust stability analysis for LPV control of doubly-fed induction generators, in 10th int. Conf. Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2008.
    4. S. G. Dietz, H. M. N. K. Balini, and C. W. Scherer, Robust control against disturbance model uncertainty in active magnetic bearings, in Proc. 11th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, 2008.
    5. H. Köroglu and C. W. Scherer, Robust attenuation of non-stationary sinusoidal disturbances with uncertain frequencies, in 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, South Korea, 2008.
    6. C. W. Scherer and I. E. Köse, Robustness with dynamic IQCs: An exact state-space characterization of nominal stability with applications to robust estimation, Automatica, vol. 44, no. 7, pp. 1666–1675, 2008.
    7. H. Köroglu and C. W. Scherer, LPV control for robust attenuation of non-stationary sinusodial disturbances with measurable frequencies, in 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, South Korea, 2008.
    8. S. G. Dietz, H. Köroglu, and C. W. Scherer, Robust controller synthesis for disturbance filter uncertainty described by dynamic integral quadratic constraints, in 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, South Korea, 2008, pp. 1325–1330.
    9. S. G. Dietz and C. W. Scherer, Verifying exactness of relaxations for robust semi-definite programs by solving polynomial systems, Linear Algebra Appl., vol. 429, no. 7, pp. 1758–1778, 2008.
    10. E. J. Trottermant, C. W. Scherer, M. Weiss, and A. F. Vermeulen, Robust Minimax Strategies for Missile Guidance Design, in Proc. AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conf., 2008.
    11. H. M. N. K. Balini, H. Köroglu, and C. W. Scherer, LPV Control for synchronous disturbance attenuation in active magnetic bearings, in Proc. Dynamic Systems and Control Conf., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2008.
    12. J. M. Rieber, C. W. Scherer, and F. Allgower, Robust $l_1$ performance analysis for linear systems with parametric uncertainties, Int. J. Control, vol. 81, no. 5, pp. 851–864, 2008.
    13. H. Köroglu and C. W. Scherer, Robust Generalized Asymptotic Regulation against Non-Stationary Sinusoidal Disturbances, in 47th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 2008.
    14. J. Veenman, H. Köro/uglu, and C. W. Scherer, An IQC Approach to Robust Estimation against Perturbations of Smoothly Time-Varying Parameters, in 47th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Cancun, Mexico, 2008, pp. 2533–2538.
  3. 2007

    1. H. Nguyen Tien, C. W. Scherer, and J. M. A. Scherpen, Self-scheduled LPV controller synthesis for doubly-fed induction generators, in Proc. Windpower, Los Angeles, 2007.
    2. I. E. Köse and C. W. Scherer, Robust feedforward control of uncertain systems using dynamic IQCs, in 46th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 2007, pp. 2181–2186.
    3. C. W. Scherer and I. E. Köse, Gain-scheduling synthesis with dynamic $D$-scalings, in 46th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 2007.
    4. M. Weiss, M. Rol, W. Falkena, and C. W. Scherer, Guidance performance analysis in the presence of model uncertainties, in Proc. AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conf., 2007, vol. 5, pp. 4422–4433.
    5. H. Köroglu and C. W. Scherer, An LPV control approach to asymptotic rejection of non-stationary disturbances with guaranteed worst-case performance, in Proc. American Control Conf., 2007, pp. 6085–6090.
    6. C. W. Scherer and I. E. Köse, On robust controller synthesis with dynamic $D$-scalings, in 46th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 2007.
    7. S. Dietz, C. W. Scherer, and H. Köroglu, Robust control adainst disturbance model uncertainty: a convex solution, in 46th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, New Orleans, LA, 2007.
    8. H. Köroglu and C. W. Scherer, Asymptotic Rejection of Non-Stationary Sinusodial Disturbances with Guaranteed Worst-Case Performance, in Philips Conf. Appl. of Cont. Tech., 2007, pp. 126–130.
    9. H. Köroglu and C. W. Scherer, Robust Performance Analysis for Structured Linear Time-Varying Perturbations with Bounded Rates-of-Variation, IEEE T. Automat. Contr., vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 197–211, 2007.
    10. H. Nguyen Tien, C. W. Scherer, and J. M. A. Scherpen, Robust performance of self-scheduled LPV control of doubly-fed induction generator in wind energy conversion systems, in Eur. Conf. on Power Electronics and Applications, 2007.
  4. 2006

    1. C. W. Scherer and I. Köse, Robust $H_2$ estimation with dynamic IQCs: A convex solution, in 45th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, San Diego, 2006, pp. 4746–4751.
    2. H. Köroglu and C. W. Scherer, Robust stability analysis tests for linear time-varying pertubations with bounded rates-of-variation, in 5th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, 2006.
    3. S. G. Dietz and C. W. Scherer, Relaxations of robust linear programs and verification of exactness, in 5th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Toulouse, France, 2006, pp. 345–350.
    4. J. M. Rieber, C. W. Scherer, and F. Allgoöwer, Robust $l_1$ performance analysis in face of parametric uncertainties, in 45th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 2006, pp. 5826–5831.
    5. J. M. Rieber, C. W. Scherer, and F. Allgöwer, On complexity issues in multiobjective controller design using convex optimization, in 5th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Toulouse, France, 2006.
    6. C. W. Scherer and C. W. J. Hol, Matrix sum-of-squares relaxations for robust semi-definite programs, Math. Program., vol. 107, pp. 189–211, 2006.
    7. H. Köroglu and C. W. Scherer, Robust stability analysis against perturbations of smoothly time-varying parameters, in 45th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 2006, pp. 2895–2900.
    8. H. Chen and C. W. Scherer, Moving horizon $H_ınfty$ control with performance adaptation for constrained linear systems, Automatica, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 1033–1040, 2006.
    9. S. G. Dietz and C. W. Scherer, Linear parameter-Varying controller synthesis using matrix sum-of Squares, in Proc. XVI Brazilian Automation Conf. and Latin-American Cong. on Autom. Control, 2006.
    10. I. E. Köse and C. W. Scherer, Gain-Scheduled Control using Dynamic Integral Quadratic Constraints, in 5th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Toulouse, France, 2006.
    11. C. W. Scherer, LMI Relaxations in Robust Control, Eur. J. Control, vol. 12, pp. 3–29, 2006.
    12. R. Bars et al., Theory, algorithms and technology in the design of control systems, Annu. Rev. Control, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 19–30, 2006.
    13. C. W. Scherer and I. E. Köse, Robust estimation with dynamic integral quadratic constraints, in 17th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Kyoto, Japan, 2006.
  5. 2005

    1. C. Hol and C. W. Scherer, A sum-of-squares approach to fixed-order $H_ınfty$-synthesis, in Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, D. Henrion and A. Garulli, Eds. Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp. 45–71.
    2. M. Groot Wassink, M. van de Wal, C. W. Scherer, and O. Bosgra, LPV control for a wafer stage: beyond the theoretical solution, Control Eng. Pract., vol. 13, pp. 231–245, 2005.
    3. C. W. J. Hol and C. W. Scherer, Sum of squares relaxations for robust polynomial semi-definite programs, in 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, 2005.
    4. H. Köroglu and C. W. Scherer, Robust stability analysis for structured uncertainties with bounded variation rates, in 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, 2005.
    5. C. W. Scherer, On Numerical Verifiable Exactness of Multiplier Relaxations, in 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, 2005.
    6. E. de Gelder, M. van de Wal, C. W. Scherer, C. W. J. Hol, and O. H. Bosgra, Nominal and robust feedforward design with time domain constraints applied to a wafer stage, J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control, vol. 128(2), pp. 204–215, 2005.
    7. H. Köroglu and C. W. Scherer, Robust performance analysis for linear slowly time-varying perturbations, in 44th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Sevilla, Spain, 2005.
    8. C. W. Scherer, Relaxations for robust linear matrix inequality problems with verifications for exactness, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. A., vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 365–395, 2005.
    9. C. W. Scherer, How to construct asymptotically exact relaxations in robust control?, Journal of SICE, vol. 44, pp. 519–533, 2005.
  6. 2004

    1. C. W. J. Hol and C. W. Scherer, Fixed Order $H_ınfty$-synthesis: Computing Optimal Values by Robust Performance Analysis, in Proc. American Control Conf., Boston, Mass, 2004, pp. 3285–3290.
    2. C. W. Scherer, Review of book Matrix Riccati Equations in Control and Systems Theory, IEEE T. Automat. Contr., vol. 49, no. 11, pp. 2094–2095, 2004.
    3. C. W. Scherer, LMI relaxations in robust control (tutorial), in MTNS, Leuven, Belgium, 2004.
    4. H. Chen and C. W. Scherer, An LMI based model predictive control scheme with guaranteed $H_ınfty$ performance and its application to active suspension, in Proc. American Control Conf., Boston, 2004, pp. 1487–1492.
    5. C. W. Scherer and C. W. J. Hol, Asymptotically Exact Relaxations for Robust LMI Problems based on Matrix-Valued Sum-of-Squares, in MTNS, Leuven, Belgium, 2004.
    6. G. M. Voorsluijs, S. Bennani, and C. W. Scherer, Linear and Parameter-Dependent Robust Control Techniques applied to a Helicopter UAV, in Proc. AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conf., Providence, Rhode Island, 2004, p. 12.
    7. C. W. J. Hol and C. W. Scherer, Computing Optimal Fixed Order $H_ınfty$-synthesis Values by Matrix Sum of Squares Relaxations, in 43rd IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas, 2004, pp. 3147–3153.
    8. C. W. J. Hol and C. W. Scherer, Sum of Squares Relaxations for Polynomial Semi-definite Programming, in MTNS, Leuven, Belgium, 2004.
    9. M. Zandvliet, C. W. Scherer, C. W. J. Hol, and M. van de Wal, Multi-objective $H_ınfty$ Control Applied to a Wafer Stage Model, in 43rd IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas, 2004, pp. 796–802.
    10. S. Kanev, C. W. Scherer, M. Verhaegen, and B. De Schutter, Robust output-feedback controller design via local BMI optimization, Automatica, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 1115–1127, Jul. 2004.
  7. 2003

    1. S. Dietz, C. W. Scherer, G. Looye, and S. Bennani, Comparison of Different LMI Synthesis Techniques to Design a Flexible Aircraft Gust Response Control Law, in Proc. AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conf., Austin, Texas, 2003.
    2. C. Hol, C. W. Scherer, E. van der Mech/’e, and O. H. Bosgra, A nonlinear SDP approach to fixed-order controller synthesis and comparison with two other methods applied to an active suspension system, Eur. J. Control, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 13–28, 2003.
    3. S. Kanev, C. W. Scherer, M. Verhaegen, and B. de Schutter, A BMI Optimization Approach to Robust Output-Feedback Control, in 42nd IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, 2003, pp. 851–856.
    4. C. W. Scherer, Testing the Exactness of Convex Relaxations for Robust LMI Problems, in Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 2003, vol. 3, pp. 52–55.
    5. G. P. Kiesmüller and C. W. Scherer, Computational issues in a stochastic finite horizon one product recovery inventory model, Eur. J. Oper. Res., vol. 146, no. 3, pp. 553–579, 2003.
    6. C. W. J. Hol, C. W. Scherer, E. G. van der Mech/’e, and O. H. Bosgra, A Trust-Region Interior Point Approach to Fixed-Order Control applied to the Benchmark System, in Proceedings of International Workshop: Design and Optimisation of Restricted Complexity Controllers, Grenoble, France, 2003.
    7. C. W. Scherer, When are multiplier relaxations exact?, in 4th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Milano, Italy, 2003.
    8. T. Basar, P. P. Khargonekar, P. V. Kokotovic, and C. W. Scherer, Panel Discussion Witherto Robust Control, in 4th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Milano, Italy, 2003.
    9. C. W. Scherer, Higher-Order Relaxations for Robust LMI Problems with Verifications for Exactness, in 42nd IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, 2003, pp. 4652–4657.
  8. 2002

    1. C. W. Scherer, Robust $H_2$-controller design under structured noise uncertainty, in 15th IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, 2002, p. 6 pages.
    2. M. Dettori and C. W. Scherer, MIMO control design for a compact disk player with multiple norm specifications, IEEE T. Contr. Syst. T., vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 635–645, 2002.
    3. C. W. Scherer, Structured finite-dimensional controller design by convex optimization, Linear Algebra Appl., vol. 351–352, pp. 639–669, Aug. 2002.
    4. C. W. Scherer, H. Chen, and F. Allgöwer, Disturbance attenuation with actuator constraints by hybrid state-feedback control, in 41st IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2002, pp. 4134–4139.
  9. 2001

    1. M. Dettori and C. W. Scherer, LPV design for a CD player: an experimental evaluation of performance, in 40th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 2001, p. 6 pages.
    2. C. W. Scherer, Multi-objective control without Youla parameterization, in Perspectives in Robust Control, S. O. R. Moheimani, Ed. London: Springer-Verlag, 2001, pp. 311–325.
    3. C. W. Scherer, On the design of structured controllers, in European Control Conf., Porto, Portugal, 2001, p. 6 pages.
    4. F. Allgöwer, S. Engell, F. Piwonka, C. W. Scherer, K. Schlacher, and H. Schuler, Methodische Perspektiven in der Automatisierungstechnik, aT. Autom., vol. 49, pp. 7–9, 2001.
    5. C. W. Scherer, LPV Control and full block multipliers, Automatica, vol. 37, pp. 361–375, 2001.
    6. D. Van Hessem, C. W. Scherer, and O. H. Bosgra, LMI-based closed-loop economic optimization of stochastic process operation under state and input constraints, in 40th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, 2001, p. 6 pages.
  10. 2000

    1. C. W. Scherer, Robust controller design by output feedback against uncertain stochastic disturbances, in 3rd IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Prague, 2000, p. 6 pages.
    2. C. W. Scherer, Review of Book $H_ınfty$ Control and Its Applications by Ben M. Chen, Automatica, vol. 36, pp. 1247–1248, 2000.
    3. M. Dettori and C. W. Scherer, New robust stability and performance conditions based on parameter dependent multipliers, in 39th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Sydney, Australia, 2000, p. 6.
    4. C. W. Scherer, An efficient solution to multi-objective control problems with LMI objectives, Syst. Contr. Letters, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 43–57, 2000.
    5. C. W. Scherer, Robust Mixed Control and LPV Control with Full Block Scalings, in Advances in Linear Matrix Inequality Methods in Control, L. El~Ghaoui and S. I. Niculescu, Eds. Philadelphia: SIAM, 2000, pp. 187–207.
    6. B. G. Dijkstra, N. J. Rambaratsingh, O. H. Bosgra, M. Steinbuch, S. Kerssemakers, and C. W. Scherer, Input design for optimal discrete time point-to-point motion of an industrial xy-positioning table, in 39th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Sydney, Australia, 2000, p. 6 pages.
    7. G. P. Kiesmüller and C. W. Scherer, Approximate Optimal Policies for a Stochastic Finite Horizon One Product Recovery Inventory Model, in Operations Research Proceedings 2000, 2000, pp. 310–315.
    8. C. W. Scherer, Design of Structured Controllers with Applications, in 39th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Sydney, Australia, 2000.

Publications before 2000

  1. 1999

    1. C. W. Scherer, Lower Bounds in Multi-Objective $H_2/H_ınfty$ Problems, in 38th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Phoenix, Arizona, 1999, pp. 3605–3610.
    2. C. W. Scherer, From Mixed to Multi-Objective Control, in 38th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Phoenix, Arizona, 1999, pp. 3621–3626.
    3. M. Dettori and C. W. Scherer, Digital Implementation of a Mixed Objectives MIMO Controller for a Compact Disc Player Using a Multiprocessor System, in Proc. American Control Conf., San Diego, CA, 1999, pp. 3630–3634.
    4. M. Dettori and C. W. Scherer, Design and Implementation of a Gain Scheduled Controller for a Compact Disc Player, in European Control Conf., Karlsruhe, Germany, 1999, p. 6.
  2. 1998

    1. H. Chen, C. W. Scherer, and F. Allgöwer, A Robust Model Predictive Control Scheme for Constrained Linear Systems, in 5th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, Corfu, Greece, 1998, pp. 60–65.
    2. S. Bennani, D. M. C. Willemsen, and C. W. Scherer, Robust Control of Linear Parametrically Varying Systems with Bounded Rates, J. Guid. Control Dynam., vol. 21, pp. 916–922, 1998.
    3. M. Dettori, C. W. Scherer, and V. Prodanovic, Mixed Objectives MIMO Control Design for a Compact Disc Player, in Proc. American Control Conf., Philadelphia, 1998, pp. 1284–1288.
    4. M. Dettori and C. W. Scherer, Robust Stability Analysis for Parameter Dependent Systems Using Full Block S-Procedure, in 37th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Tampa, FL, 1998, pp. 2798–2799.
    5. C. W. Scherer, Robust Performance Analysis for Parameter Dependent Systems Using Tensor Product Splines, in 37th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Tampa, Fl, 1998, pp. 2216–2221.
    6. M. Dettori and C. W. Scherer, Gain Scheduling Control for a CD Player Mechanism Using LPV Techniques, in Proc. 6th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems, Alghero, Italy, 1998, pp. 385–390.
  3. 1997

    1. C. W. Scherer, A Full Block S-Procedure with Applications, in 36th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, San Diego, CA, 1997, pp. 1510–1515.
    2. C. W. Scherer, P. Gahinet, and M. Chilali, Multi-objective output-feedback control via LMI optimization, IEEE T. Automat. Contr., vol. 42, pp. 896–911, 1997.
    3. H. Chen, C. W. Scherer, and F. Allgöwer, A game theoretic approach to nonlinear robust receding horizon control of constrained systems, in Proc. American Control Conf., Albuquerque, NM, 1997, pp. 3073–3077.
    4. C. W. Scherer, Positive definite solutions of the nonstrict Lyapunov inequality, in European Control Conf., Brussels, Belgium, 1997, p. 6.
    5. S. Bennani, G. Looye, and C. W. Scherer, $\mu$-synthesis, in Robust Flight Control: A Design Challenge, J. F. Magni, S. Bennani, and J. Terlouw, Eds. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1997, pp. 81–101.
    6. C. W. Scherer, Lineare Matrixungleichungen in der Theorie der robusten Regelung, Automatisierungstechnik, vol. 7, pp. 306–318, 1997.
    7. C. W. Scherer, S. Bennani, and E. Nijo, Parametrically Varying Flight Control System Design with Full Block Scalings, in 36th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, San Diego, CA, 1997, pp. 1510–1515.
  4. 1996

    1. C. W. Scherer, Robust generalized $H_2$ control for uncertain and LPV systems with general scalings, in 35th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, 1996, pp. 3970–3975.
    2. C. W. Scherer, Mixed $H_2/H_ınfty$ control for time-varying and linear parametrically-varying systems, Int. J. Robust Nonlin., vol. 6, pp. 929–952, 1996.
    3. P. Gahinet, M. Chilali, and C. W. Scherer, Multi-objective output-feedback Control, in 13th IFAC World Congress, San Francisco, CA, 1996, pp. 249–254.
  5. 1995

    1. C. W. Scherer, Multiobjective $H_2/H_ınfty$ control, IEEE T. Automat. Contr., vol. 40, pp. 1054–1062, 1995.
    2. C. W. Scherer, The general nonstrict algebraic Riccati inequality, Linear Algebra Appl., vol. 219, pp. 1–33, 1995.
    3. C. W. Scherer, Mixed $H_2/H_ınfty$ control for linear parametrically-varying systems, in 34th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, New Orleans, LO, 1995, pp. 3182–3187.
    4. C. W. Scherer, Mixed $H_2/H_ınfty$ control, in Trends in Control, A European Prospective, A. Isidori, Ed. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1995, pp. 173–216.
    5. C. W. Scherer, The algebraic Riccati equation and inequality for systems with uncontrollable modes on the imaginary axis, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. A., vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 1308–1327, 1995.
    6. C. W. Scherer, A complete algebraic solvability test for the nonstrict Lyapunov inequality, Syst. Contr. Letters, vol. 25, pp. 327–335, 1995.
  6. 1994

    1. C. W. Scherer, Algebraic solvability tests for the nonstrict Lyapunov inequality, in 33rd IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, 1994, pp. 1505–1510.
    2. C. W. Scherer, The state-feedback $H_ınfty$-problem at optimality, Automatica, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 293–305, 1994.
    3. C. W. Scherer, The nonstrict algebraic Riccati inequality, in MTNS, Regensburg, Germany, 1994, pp. 461–464.
  7. 1993

    1. C. W. Scherer, Algebraic solvability tests for linear matrix inequalities, in 32nd IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, San Antonio, TX, 1993, pp. 349–354.
    2. C. W. Scherer, The parametrization of static state-feedback $H_ınfty$-controllers, in European Control Conf., Groningen, The Netherlands, 1993, pp. 1166–1170.
  8. 1992

    1. C. W. Scherer, $H_ınfty$-optimization without assumptions on finite or infinite zeros, SIAM J. Contr. Optim., vol. 30, pp. 143–166, 1992.
    2. C. W. Scherer, $H_ınfty$-control by state-feedback for plants with zeros on the imaginary axis, SIAM J. Contr. Optim., vol. 30, pp. 123–142, 1992.
  9. 1991

    1. C. W. Scherer, The solution set of the algebraic Riccati equation and the algebraic Riccati inequality, Linear Algebra Appl., vol. 153, pp. 99–122, 1991.
  10. 1990

    1. C. W. Scherer, The Riccati inequality and state-space H∞-optimal control., Julius Maximilians University Würzburg, Germany, 1990.
    2. C. W. Scherer, $H_ınfty$-control by state-feedback and fast algorithms for the computation of optimal $H_ınfty$-norms, IEEE T. Automat. Contr., vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 1090–1099, 1990.
  11. 1989

    1. C. W. Scherer, $H_ınfty$-control by state-feedback: an iterative algorithm and characterization of high-gain occurrence, Syst. Control Lett., vol. 12 (5), pp. 383--391, 1989.
  12. 1988

    1. C. W. Scherer, Almost disturbance decoupling with stability by dynamic output feedback: A sufficient condition, Syst. Control Lett., vol. 10, pp. 291–299, 1988.

Prof. Carsten W. Scherer

This image shows Carsten W.  Scherer

Carsten W. Scherer

Professor Dr.

Head of Institute and Chairholder mst / Erasmus-Coordinator Dep. of Mathematics

[Image: Uni Stuttgart]

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